Sunday, the Day of the Lord, is celebrated as follows:

Saturday Evening 5.30 pm St Helen's, East Gresford(except the weekend of the 2nd Sunday of the month)
Sunday Morning 8.00 am St Patrick's, Clarence Town
9.30 am St Mary's, Dungog
11.30 am Sacred Heart, Summer Hill (2nd Sunday of the month only)

During the week Mass is celebrated as follows:

Please note that changes or additional liturgies may happen from time to time. Changes to the normal pattern below can be found on the Latest News page, in the latest edition of the Parish Bulletin available here or via the Parish Calendar.

Tuesday 8.30 am St Mary's, Dungog
Wednesday 8.30 am St Mary's, Dungog
Thursday 9.30 am St Helen's, East Gresford
Friday 9.30 am St Mary's, Dungog (Except 1st Friday of the month)
11.00 am Lara Aged Care (1st Friday of the month only)