Christian Initiation

Christian Initiation, and the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), marks the beginning of the journey of Christian faith for all believers. The Catholic Parishes of Dungog & Gresford offer a range of possibilities to celebrate Christian Initiation for adults and children.

Getting Married

In the Sacrament of Matrimony, a man and woman pledge to live as one, in a permanent, exclusive, and mutual love relationship. The Catholic Parishes of Dungog & Gresford offer the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony in the churches of our Parishes.


The death of a loved one is always a challenging time for family and friends. Amid grief, the organisation of a suitable form of funeral celebration can be difficult, and the Catholic Parishes of Dungog & Gresford stand ready to help the family organise a fitting tribute.