About Baptism

The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are called SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION. In the early church, and today as part of the Christian Initiation of Adults, these three sacraments were received together, traditionally during the Easter Vigil. Children, however, receive them at different stages of their lives. The practice of sacramental initiation of children within the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is covered by a policy entitled Becoming Disciples: Sacraments of Initiation for Children. A copy of this policy can be found by clicking here.

Baptism is the first Sacrament. It initiates us into the Catholic Christian Community, those who believe that God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ to live among us, so that, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit we too, can live in harmony and peace with each other and enjoy eternal happiness in heaven. The waters of Baptism commit us to dying to our old way of life and being reborn to a new life in the Spirit of Jesus.

Baptism is a prerequisite for the reception of other sacraments.

If you are an adult and are thinking about becoming a Catholic, then the first step is contact us and ask how to this might occur. A member of the Parish clergy will arrange to meet with you to discuss the process and how the journey will unfold.

Baptism of Children

It is customary for Baptisms to be conducted during or after one of our Sunday Masses. Other times may be negotiated but are dependent on the availability of one of the Parish clergy.

Before the celebration of Baptism, a member of the Parish clergy will arrange to meet with the parents as part of the preparations. This meeting can take place via Zoom or similar entities if this is necessary.

Parents wishing to celebrate their child's baptism in the Parishes of Dungog & Gresford are asked to complete the form below.

FAQs about Baptism