Baptism Enquiry & Request Child's InformationName(Required) First Middle Last Child's Date of Birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Child's Sex at Birth(Required) Male Female Child's Place of Birth(Required)Child's Current Residential Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Allergies and Sesitivities(Required)Does your child have any allergies that would prevent them from being anointed with the Oil of Chrism or the Oil of Catechumens at baptism/confirmation and/or receiving the host at Communion? If yes, please provide any relevant information in the Notes section below. Yes No Notes Regarding Allergies and SensitivitiesParent's InformationFather's Full Name(Required) First Middle Last Father's Religion(Required)Mother's Full Maiden Name(Required) First Middle Last Mother's Religion(Required)Contact Phone Number(Required)Contact Email Address(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Parent's Place of MarriageDate of Marriage DD slash MM slash YYYY Information about GodparentsThe Church asks that each person to be baptised has a sponsor, referred to as a Godparent, who will be a mentor for that person as they grow in faith. Where other people want to share that role, they can be recorded as witnesses to the Baptism. The number of ‘Godparents’ is a matter for the person being baptised or their parents to decide. In practice, Parish records may show only 3 or 4 names. Additional names, providing the same information, can be included in the notes section below. Since a Godparent is accepting the responsibility of helping the parents of the candidate teach him or her about Jesus and help him or her to grow in the Catholic faith, at least one Godparent has to be a baptised and confirmed Catholic. It is certainly possible for other baptised people who are not Catholic to be registered as a witness to the Baptism.Godparent # 1 First Last Godparent #1 Religious AffiliationGodparent #2 First Last Godparent #2 Religious AffiliationWhere and When Would You Like the Baptism?Preferred Place for Baptism(Required)St Mary's Church, DungogSt Patrick's Church, Clarence TownSt Helen's Church, East GresfordSacred Heart Church, Summer HillOther (Please specify below)Other Place of Baptism(Required)Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that your preferred location is available for the celebration of Baptism. Your request will be discussed with you prior to final arrangements being made.Notes & RequestsPlease include any proposed dates here, though they should be considered tentative until confirmed by the Parish. Any questions you may have should be included above.CAPTCHA Δ