For many years now, 15 September each year has been set aside as a Perpetual Day of Remembrance as an annual occasion to remember our Diocese’s history of child sexual abuse and the reality of its continual unfolding in the lives of those directly and indirectly affected. Each year, the Sunday on or before 15 September is acknowledged as Perpetual Day of Remembrance Sunday in our diocese’s liturgical calendar thanks to the attention of the late Bishop Bill Wright in 2020.
As we draw closer to this year’s Perpetual Day of Remembrance, Bishop Michael has issued a letter to the People of God in which he remarks “It is my desire that we continue to mark the Perpetual Day of Remembrance in our parishes – particularly on Perpetual Day of Remembrance Sunday – our schools, our agencies, our communities, and households”. The full text of Bishop Michael’s letter is found below and also on the notice boards of our church buildings.
On Sunday 10 September 2023, our parishes – along all the parishes and other expressions of Church within the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle – will acknowledge Perpetual Day of Remembrance Sunday during our Sunday Masses.
Resources for the Perpetual Day of Remembrance, including Perpetual Day of Remembrance Sunday, can be found on the Diocesan website at Resources – Perpetual Day of Remembrance.